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Function not working

Started by modman, September 05, 2015, 12:39:41 PM

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Here's pictures of the board (Don't mind the flux, haven't gotten around to cleaning it yet),umPwoEh,TyBLNha,4635zAV,ucZPqBZ#0

Video of the problem:


Hmm, this is a tricky.

The flashing is related to patch save, however it's Function - that should do this, not Function +.  There's nothing in the code at all to make the LED flash with the Function + button!

There's something clearly wrong in the area of these 2 switches, although it's hard to tell what off the top of my head.  You may need a multimeter / continuity tester to work this out. 

Function - (SW2) is connected to D13 on the Arduino
Function + (SW3) is connected to D12 on the Arduino

Can you test these connections with a multimeter (i.e. push the button and see if the connection is made).

Also, is there are short between D12 and D13 on the header?

Let me know if you need me to go into more detail about this.


Not home so I don't have a MM handy. Visually, the pins don't appear to have a short. To be clear D12 & 13 are pins 5 & 6 on CONN2 correct?


Yes that's correct (pins 0-7 on CONN1, so 12-13 would be 5-6 on CONN2).



Okay, so pin 7 is shorting with pins 6,5, and 1. However the resistance between them is about 15 ohms, so are those suppose to be connected?


7 is ground. 
1 is Value -.
5,6 are Function +/- as already mentioned.

Yes, these all should be tied together to ground when unpressed, but... through 10k resistors, way more than 15 ohms!  I'm pretty sure that this is the issue.

It might be worth checking that all the resistors are in the right places:

Also can I double check you were testing this with the shield out of the Arduino? 


Double checked all of them, they're all correct. Yeah i tested it using the bare pins. This is strange, everything else is working 100% (Beside the filter cutoff being a bit noise at the beginning) it's only this one thing.


Hmm, do you have another Arduino, just to rule that out?  Doesn't need to be MIDI hacked.  Just needs to be Uno or Uno clone.


Actually that's a rubbish suggestion, as we know that the problem is the shorted pins!

Let me have a bit more of a think about this....


My buddy has an arduino uno at work I can try, but that won't be till Tuesday, If that fails I can also rework the pins again and make sure they're 100%. Real bummer this is happening :/. Thanks for all the help!


OK here's my action plan for debugging the buttons.
Carry out all the connection tests in these pics.  2 are for continuity and 1 is for resistance.
Let me know what results you get.  We can then take it from there.


Ran all those test, Everything is how it should be. I think it could be software/programming maybe? The buttons read out about 11ohms unpressed and .04 ohms pressed and that sounds right to me so idk what could be going on.


Hmm, OK well I guess now is the time to rule out the Arduino.  See if you can borrow your mates and upload the software from the miniAtmegatron downloads page.  No need to MIDI hack it for testing purposes.

You could try uploading it again to the one you have too.  Don't forget to put the jumper on the header first and reset power (as shown on back of instructions).

I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this eventually!


Dude.....Idk if you're gonna laugh or cry....But i assumed that jumper needed to be I put it there...I just removed it and everything works fine now......Holy shit i'm sorry for wasting your time lol.